PTFE Coated Thrust Pads

PTFE Coated Thrust Pads

SUNTECH ® make PTFE coated thrust pads are operated safely at minimal oil film thicknesses, allows approximately two times the specific load capacity normally associated with white metal bearings and thrust pads. Our PTFE coated thrust pads mostly used in large hydro-generator applications, whereby advantages of PTFE could improve the reliability Roto -dynamic machines. Now a days PTFE coated thrust pads are often specified as first choice for hydro-applications and has been shown to have clear advantages for small pad applications in more standardised rotodynamic applications.

The below key features describe the benefits of PTFE material when compared to white metal:
• Increased load carrying capacity
• Higher durability
• Increased safety factors
• Longer life
• Smaller and lighter bearings
• Reduced power losses
• Superior friction and wear characteristics
• Lower breakout torque
• Complete elimination of high pressure (HP) oil injection
• Highly “forgiving” material
• Ideal material for problematic white metal applications
• No catastrophic failure mechanism
