Multi-lobed Journal Bearings

Multi-lobed Journal Bearings

SUNTECH®dealing with many types of fixed-profile journal bearings as well as MULTI-LOBED JOURNAL BEARINGS &complicated multi-lobe bearings with preloads and offsets. In general, the fixed-profile bearing is made up of a number of fixed circular arc segments called “lobes” or “pads”. The lobes are separated by axial lubricant supply grooves. These lobes are stationary around the rotating journal. As described before, the cross-coupled stiffness properties (or tangential forces) present in the fixed-profile journal bearings can introduce a major destabilizing effect, which may cause a rotor instability problem. Various surface geometries (preload, offset, dam, pocket, groove, etc.) are introduced in this type of bearing in order to reduce these cross-coupled stiffness characteristics. Advantages of these bearings are low cost, easy manufacturing, and less space requirement compared to the tilting pad bearings.
